Arya Stark Personality Statistics

Statistics for the character of Arya Stark from Game of Thrones, courtesy of the Open-Source Psychometrics Project. Open-Source Psychometrics

Full Personality Trait List
Personality Traits Average Rating Rank
rebellious (not obedient) 94.9 6
adventurous (not stick-in-the-mud) 94.7 3
independent (not codependent) 94.3 1
active (not slothful) 94.1 1
resourceful (not helpless) 93.7 3
driven (not unambitious) 93.1 35
unorthodox (not traditional) 92.9 5
vengeful (not forgiving) 92.6 16
bold (not shy) 92 40
dominant (not submissive) 91.7 22
feisty (not gracious) 91.3 5
diligent (not lazy) 91.1 64
resistant (not resigned) 91 4
street-smart (not sheltered) 91 24
extraordinary (not mundane) 90.9 13
ferocious (not pacifist) 90.9 19
open to new experinces (not uncreative) 90.9 13
emancipated (not enslaved) 90 3
competent (not incompetent) 89.8 56
wild (not tame) 89.6 20
assertive (not passive) 89.4 31
fast (not slow) 89.3 7
confidential (not gossiping) 89.2 26
explorer (not builder) 89.1 2
alpha (not beta) 88.6 36
armoured (not vulnerable) 88.6 14
hard (not soft) 88.3 25
competitive (not cooperative) 88 57
decisive (not hesitant) 87.9 38
avant-garde (not classical) 87.9 3
mischievous (not well behaved) 87.6 60
interesting (not tiresome) 87.6 9
confident (not insecure) 87.5 32
sporty (not bookish) 87.4 20
brave (not careful) 87.3 14
spicy (not mild) 87.1 23
high IQ (not low IQ) 86.8 109
mighty (not puny) 86.5 39
hard (not soft) 86.4 30
coordinated (not clumsy) 86.3 64
scruffy (not manicured) 86 30
crafty (not scholarly) 85.8 21
extreme (not moderate) 85.4 66
deviant (not average) 85.3 32
edgy (not politically correct) 84.6 46
creative (not conventional) 84.5 23
healthy (not sickly) 84.5 76
guarded (not open) 84.4 89
individualist (not communal) 84.3 44
self-disciplined (not disorganized) 84 145
self-assured (not self-conscious) 83.9 54
curious (not apathetic) 83.8 31
utilitarian (not decorative) 83.8 17
child free (not pronatalist) 83.5 34
direct (not roundabout) 83.2 64
specialist (not generalist) 82.8 13
inspiring (not cringeworthy) 82.4 32
workaholic (not slacker) 82.1 166
loyal (not traitorous) 82 205
young (not old) 82 75
arcane (not mainstream) 81.8 31
outsider (not insider) 81.7 25
heroic (not villainous) 81.6 144
short (not tall) 81.6 42
suspicious (not trusting) 81.4 101
industrial (not domestic) 81.1 22
genius (not dunce) 81 107
bossy (not meek) 81 149
worldly (not innocent) 80.7 114
charismatic (not uninspiring) 80.3 121
rugged (not refined) 80 59
works hard (not plays hard) 80 136
conspiracist (not sheeple) 80 73
outlaw (not sheriff) 79.8 71
quarrelsome (not warm) 79.5 95
bold (not serious) 79.5 56
frugal (not lavish) 79.4 40
precise (not vague) 79.3 94
thick-skinned (not sensitive) 79.1 29
suspicious (not awkward) 78.7 87
backdoor (not official) 78.3 96
scandalous (not proper) 78.2 89
captain (not first-mate) 77.7 113
weird (not normal) 77 105
androgynous (not gendered) 76.8 4
instinctual (not reasoned) 76.7 95
complicated (not simple) 76.3 116
no-nonsense (not dramatic) 76 78
hipster (not basic) 75.8 31
obsessed (not aloof) 75.8 90
playful (not shy) 75.5 170
night owl (not morning lark) 75.3 147
bitter (not sweet) 75.2 105
equitable (not hypocritical) 75 75
skeptical (not spiritual) 74.6 184
rough (not smooth) 74.5 70
jock (not nerd) 73.8 94
mysterious (not unambiguous) 73.6 75
private (not gregarious) 73.5 147
attractive (not repulsive) 72.3 251
tense (not relaxed) 72.2 238
master (not apprentice) 72.1 247
modern (not historical) 72 94
blue-collar (not ivory-tower) 71.9 157
open-minded (not close-minded) 71.5 111
kinky (not vanilla) 71.4 121
angry (not good-humored) 71.3 90
real (not philosophical) 71.3 148
beautiful (not ugly) 70.9 276
hurried (not leisurely) 70.7 96
biased (not impartial) 69.8 208
barbaric (not civilized) 69.7 56
reserved (not chatty) 69.5 149
atheist (not theist) 69.5 151
empirical (not theoretical) 69.4 79
cold (not warm) 69.1 140
varied (not repetitive) 68.8 23
sorrowful (not cheery) 68.4 186
soulful (not soulless) 68.4 327
masculine (not feminine) 68.4 251
sad (not happy) 68 178
judgemental (not accepting) 68 177
down2earth (not head@clouds) 67.8 181
spontaneous (not scheduled) 67.7 151
unpolished (not eloquent) 67.5 135
calm (not anxious) 67.2 117
cunning (not honorable) 66.7 147
realist (not idealist) 66.6 131
multicolored (not monochrome) 66.5 121
sober (not indulgent) 66 165
strict (not lenient) 65.6 211
impulsive (not cautious) 65.6 191
serious (not playful) 65.5 287
thin (not thick) 65.5 200
chaotic (not orderly) 65.4 178
mathematical (not literary) 65.4 102
proletariat (not bourgeoisie) 65.3 186
heathen (not devout) 65.2 140
hoarder (not unprepared) 65.1 199
compersive (not jealous) 64.9 148
family-first (not work-first) 64.7 191
high-tech (not low-tech) 64.6 156
physical (not intellectual) 64.5 144
transient (not permanent) 64.5 103
wise (not foolish) 64.4 209
rude (not respectful) 64.4 155
flexible (not rigid) 64.4 112
demonic (not angelic) 64.3 145
disarming (not creepy) 64.2 334
insulting (not complimentary) 63.9 181
messy (not neat) 63.6 145
mature (not juvenile) 63 261
charming (not trusting) 62.7 215
slovenly (not stylish) 62.6 111
bright (not depressed) 62.4 197
arrogant (not humble) 62.2 280
animalistic (not human) 61.6 100
provincial (not cosmopolitan) 60.6 211
moody (not stable) 60.5 301
demure (not vain) 60.4 204
literal (not metaphorical) 60.3 303
focused on the future (not focused on the present) 60 140
funny (not humorless) 59.9 264
neurotypical (not autistic) 59.7 418
libertarian (not socialist) 59.1 246
impatient (not patient) 58.7 314
altruistic (not selfish) 58.5 290
rational (not whimsical) 58.4 313
nonpolitical (not political) 58.3 195
poisonous (not nurturing) 58.2 180
authoritarian (not democratic) 57.5 235
deliberate (not spontaneous) 57.3 382
chaste (not lustful) 57.1 206
rich (not poor) 57.1 302
logical (not emotional) 56.9 198
tasteful (not lewd) 56.6 356
stoic (not expressive) 56.4 228
pessimistic (not optimistic) 56.4 259
prestigious (not disreputable) 56.4 347
technophile (not luddite) 56.3 229
straight (not queer) 56.2 510
introvert (not extrovert) 56.1 219
sarcastic (not genuine) 55.7 234
purple (not orange) 55.6 223
involved (not remote) 55.3 425
'left-brained' (not 'right-brained') 55.3 88
flamboyant (not modest) 54.2 268
objective (not subjective) 54.1 184
artistic (not scientific) 53.2 270
fortunate (not unlucky) 52.9 279
sensible (not ludicrous) 52.9 364
straightforward (not cryptic) 52.6 442
loud (not quiet) 52.3 305
cruel (not kind) 52 169
debased (not pure) 51.7 272
lowbrow (not highbrow) 51.2 238
awkward (not charming) 51.1 236
methodical (not astonishing) 51 400
imaginative (not practical) 50.9 214
nihilist (not existentialist) 50.5 209
Top Five Most and Least Similar Characters
Most Similar Characters Least Similar Characters
1. Asha Greyjoy(0.862) 1. Milhouse Van Houten(-0.611)
2. Toph Beifong(0.86) 2. Alan Harper(-0.555)
3. Ygritte(0.842) 3. Phyllis Lapin(-0.507)
4. Katniss Everdeen(0.84) 4. Eric Forman(-0.502)
5. Kate Austen(0.835) 5. Harry Crane(-0.497)
Full Personality Match List
Full Match List Universe % Match
1. Arya Stark Game of Thrones 97%
2. Toph Beifong Avatar The Last Airbender 94%
3. Ygritte Game of Thrones 93%
4. Malcolm Reynolds Firefly + Serenity 92%
5. Asha Greyjoy Game of Thrones 91%
6. Rosa Diaz Brooklyn Nine-Nine 91%
7. Ruth Langmore Ozark 91%
8. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace Battlestar Galactica 89%
9. Janis Ian Mean Girls 89%
10. Alastor Moody Harry Potter 88%
11. Daryl Dixon The Walking Dead 88%
12. Katniss Everdeen The Hunger Games 88%
13. Sirius Black Harry Potter 87%
14. Kate Austen LOST 87%
15. Omar Little The Wire 87%
16. Jo March Little Women 87%
17. Gamora Marvel Cinematic Universe 86%
18. River Tam Firefly + Serenity 86%
19. Buffy Summers Buffy the Vampire Slayer 86%
20. the Alien Alien 86%
21. Captain Marvel Marvel Cinematic Universe 85%
22. Alex Karev Grey's Anatomy 85%
23. Jimmy McNulty The Wire 85%
24. Odafin Tutuola Law & Order SVU 85%
25. Jack O'Neill Stargate SG-1 85%
26. Nicky Nichols Orange is the New Black 85%
27. April Ludgate Parks and Recreation 84%
28. Preston 'Bodie' Broadus The Wire 84%
29. Bertram Gilfoyle Silicon Valley 84%
30. Butch Coolidge Pulp Fiction 84%
31. Sandor Clegane Game of Thrones 83%
32. Elizabeth Bennet Pride and Prejudice 83%
33. James 'Sawyer' Ford LOST 83%
34. Black Widow Marvel Cinematic Universe 83%
35. Rust Cohle True Detective 83%
36. Haymitch Abernathy The Hunger Games 83%
37. Tyler Durden Fight Club 83%
38. Debra Morgan Dexter 83%
39. Chris Partlow The Wire 83%
40. Dolores Abernathy Westworld 83%
41. Dwight Schrute The Office 82%
42. Zuko Avatar The Last Airbender 82%
43. Hawkeye Marvel Cinematic Universe 82%
44. Merle Dixon The Walking Dead 82%
45. Michael Lee The Wire 82%
46. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii Battlestar Galactica 82%
47. Tyra Collette Friday Night Lights 82%
48. Carol Peletier The Walking Dead 81%
49. James Doakes Dexter 81%
50. Avon Barksdale The Wire 81%
51. Maeve Millay Westworld 81%
52. Akecheta Westworld 81%
53. Fox Mulder The X-Files 81%
54. Dom Cobb Inception 81%
55. Ellen Ripley Alien 81%
56. Sid Phillips Toy Story 81%
57. Red Reznikov Orange is the New Black 81%
58. John Galt Atlas Shrugged 81%
59. Darlene Snell Ozark 81%
60. Bronn Game of Thrones 80%
61. Nymphadora Tonks Harry Potter 80%
62. Kira Nerys Star Trek Deep Space Nine 80%
63. Nick Fury Marvel Cinematic Universe 80%
64. Steven Hyde That 70's Show 80%
65. Han Solo Star Wars 80%
66. Kima Greggs The Wire 80%
67. The Joker The Dark Knight 80%
68. Sherlock Holmes Sherlock 80%
69. Spike Spiegel Cowboy Bebop 80%
70. Jacob Black Twilight 80%
71. Leslie Winkle The Big Bang Theory 79%
72. Jayne Cobb Firefly + Serenity 79%
73. Man in Black Westworld 79%
74. Angel Buffy the Vampire Slayer 79%
75. Elliot Stabler Law & Order SVU 79%
76. Alex Vause Orange is the New Black 79%
77. Bellatrix Lestrange Harry Potter 78%
78. John Locke LOST 78%
79. Nelson Muntz The Simpsons 78%
80. Gimli Lord of the Rings 78%
81. Zoe Washburne Firefly + Serenity 78%
82. Shane Walsh The Walking Dead 78%
83. Marla Singer Fight Club 78%
84. Neo The Matrix 78%
85. Trinity The Matrix 78%
86. Taystee Jefferson Orange is the New Black 78%
87. Tim Riggins Friday Night Lights 78%
88. Ringo Pulp Fiction 78%
89. Berta Two and Half Men 78%
90. Maeby Funke Arrested Development 78%
91. Sayid Jarrah LOST 77%
92. Spiros 'Vondas' Vondopoulos The Wire 77%
93. Bobby Briggs Twin Peaks 77%
94. Ellis Wyatt Atlas Shrugged 77%
95. Francisco d'Anconia Atlas Shrugged 77%
96. Josh Lyman The West Wing 76%
97. Worf Star Trek Deep Space Nine 76%
98. Thanos Marvel Cinematic Universe 76%
99. Walter White Breaking Bad 76%
100. Jane Margolis Breaking Bad 76%
101. Britta Perry Community 76%
102. Rick Grimes The Walking Dead 76%
103. Hector Barbossa Pirates of the Caribbean 76%
104. Faye Valentine Cowboy Bebop 76%
105. Robin Hood Robin Hood 76%
106. Henry Rearden Atlas Shrugged 76%
107. Harry Potter Harry Potter 75%
108. Sokka Avatar The Last Airbender 75%
109. Azula Avatar The Last Airbender 75%
110. Cristina Yang Grey's Anatomy 75%
111. Mike Ehrmantraut Breaking Bad 75%
112. Samuel 'Longshot' Anders Battlestar Galactica 75%
113. Vicious Cowboy Bebop 75%
114. Mercutio Romeo and Juliet 75%
115. Dagny Taggart Atlas Shrugged 75%
116. Jules Winnfield Pulp Fiction 75%
117. Daenerys Targaryen Game of Thrones 74%
118. Remus Lupin Harry Potter 74%
119. Krusty the Clown The Simpsons 74%
120. Aragorn Lord of the Rings 74%
121. Ron Swanson Parks and Recreation 74%
122. Ben Chang Community 74%
123. Carl Grimes The Walking Dead 74%
124. Gale Hawthorne The Hunger Games 74%
125. Bruce Wayne The Dark Knight 74%
126. Rick Blaine Casablanca 74%
127. Dr. Ian Malcolm Jurassic Park 74%
128. Brienne of Tarth Game of Thrones 73%
129. Desmond Hume LOST 73%
130. Donna Pinciotti That 70's Show 73%
131. Meredith Grey Grey's Anatomy 73%
132. Bart Simpson The Simpsons 73%
133. Darth Vader Star Wars 73%
134. Gollum Lord of the Rings 73%
135. Joey Quinn Dexter 73%
136. Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce M*A*S*H 73%
137. Viktor Krum Harry Potter 72%
138. Meredith Palmer The Office 72%
139. Elim Garak Star Trek Deep Space Nine 72%
140. Jesse Pinkman Breaking Bad 72%
141. Sarah O'Brien Downton Abbey 72%
142. Thomas Barrow Downton Abbey 72%
143. Dexter Morgan Dexter 72%
144. Peggy Olson Mad Men 72%
145. Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean 72%
146. Jian-Yang Silicon Valley 72%
147. Pennsatucky Doggett Orange is the New Black 72%
148. Smash Williams Friday Night Lights 72%
149. Leroy Jethro Gibbs NCIS 72%
150. Roy Petty Ozark 72%
151. Peter Jason Quill Marvel Cinematic Universe 71%
152. Hank Schrader Breaking Bad 71%
153. Boromir Lord of the Rings 71%
154. Nick Sobotka The Wire 71%
155. Saul Tigh Battlestar Galactica 71%
156. Don Draper Mad Men 71%
157. Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean 71%
158. Teal'c Stargate SG-1 71%
159. Seth Superbad 71%
160. Buzz Lightyear Toy Story 71%
161. Cosmo Kramer Seinfeld 71%
162. Wyatt Langmore Ozark 71%
163. Oberyn Martell Game of Thrones 70%
164. George Weasley Harry Potter 70%
165. Michael Dawson LOST 70%
166. Tony Stark Marvel Cinematic Universe 70%
167. Red Forman That 70's Show 70%
168. Moe Szyslak The Simpsons 70%
169. Jimmy McGill Breaking Bad 70%
170. Frank Sobotka The Wire 70%
171. Scar The Lion King 70%
172. Dr. Alan Grant Jurassic Park 70%
173. Elizabeth Swann Pirates of the Caribbean 70%
174. Agent Smith The Matrix 70%
175. Crazy Eyes Orange is the New Black 70%
176. Elaine Benes Seinfeld 70%
177. Toby Ziegler The West Wing 69%
178. Dukat Star Trek Deep Space Nine 69%
179. Thor Marvel Cinematic Universe 69%
180. The Operative Firefly + Serenity 69%
181. Harry Morgan Dexter 69%
182. Harvey Dent The Dark Knight 69%
183. Vincent Vega Pulp Fiction 69%
184. Marsellus Wallace Pulp Fiction 69%
185. Emmett Cullen Twilight 69%
186. Severus Snape Harry Potter 68%
187. Lord Voldemort Harry Potter 68%
188. Loki Marvel Cinematic Universe 68%
189. Andrea The Walking Dead 68%
190. Samantha Jones Sex and the City 68%
191. Erlich Bachman Silicon Valley 68%
192. Jet Black Cowboy Bebop 68%
193. Cypher The Matrix 68%
194. Mal Cobb Inception 68%
195. Jaime Lannister Game of Thrones 67%
196. Joffrey Baratheon Game of Thrones 67%
197. Cersei Lannister Game of Thrones 67%
198. Benjamin Linus LOST 67%
199. Nog Star Trek Deep Space Nine 67%
200. Quark Star Trek Deep Space Nine 67%
201. Benjamin Sisko Star Trek Deep Space Nine 67%
202. Luke Skywalker Star Wars 67%
203. Gandalf Lord of the Rings 67%
204. Jeff Winger Community 67%
205. Thomas 'Herc' Hauk The Wire 67%
206. Dennis 'Cutty' Wise The Wire 67%
207. Ziggy Sobotka The Wire 67%
208. Ashley Stubbs Westworld 67%
209. Karl 'Helo' Agathon Battlestar Galactica 67%
210. Morpheus The Matrix 67%
211. Parker Alien 67%
212. Anthony DiNozzo NCIS 67%
213. George Bluth, Sr. Arrested Development 67%
214. Jon Snow Game of Thrones 66%
215. Moaning Myrtle Harry Potter 66%
216. Robert California The Office 66%
217. Firelord Ozai Avatar The Last Airbender 66%
218. William Rawls The Wire 66%
219. Timon The Lion King 66%
220. Joan Holloway Mad Men 66%
221. John Munch Law & Order SVU 66%
222. Audrey Horne Twin Peaks 66%
223. Jake Peralta Brooklyn Nine-Nine 66%
224. Johnny The Room 66%
225. Rosalie Hale Twilight 66%
226. Charlie Harper Two and Half Men 66%
227. Wendy Byrde Ozark 66%
228. Jacob Snell Ozark 66%
229. Molly Weasley Harry Potter 65%
230. Dobby Harry Potter 65%
231. Miranda Bailey Grey's Anatomy 65%
232. Gus Fring Breaking Bad 65%
233. Ellis Carver The Wire 65%
234. Galen Tyrol Battlestar Galactica 65%
235. Ed Cowboy Bebop 65%
236. Myrtle Wilson The Great Gatsby 65%
237. Dallas Alien 65%
238. Flaca Gonzales Orange is the New Black 65%
239. Edward Cullen Twilight 65%
240. Margaret 'Hot Lips' Houlihan M*A*S*H 65%
241. Jan Levinson The Office 64%
242. Jadzia Dax Star Trek Deep Space Nine 64%
243. Odo Star Trek Deep Space Nine 64%
244. Russell 'Stringer' Bell The Wire 64%
245. Charlotte Hale Westworld 64%
246. William Adama Battlestar Galactica 64%
247. Goh Peik Lin Crazy Rich Asians 64%
248. Ray Arnold Jurassic Park 64%
249. Olivia Benson Law & Order SVU 64%
250. Leland Palmer Twin Peaks 64%
251. Mr. Potato Head Toy Story 64%
252. Jasper Hale Twilight 64%
253. Abby Sciuto NCIS 64%
254. George Oscar 'Gob' Bluth Arrested Development 64%
255. Petyr Baelish Game of Thrones 63%
256. Stannis Baratheon Game of Thrones 63%
257. Melisandre Game of Thrones 63%
258. C. J. Cregg The West Wing 63%
259. George Wickham Pride and Prejudice 63%
260. Princess Leia Star Wars 63%
261. Number Six Battlestar Galactica 63%
262. Tyrion Lannister Game of Thrones 62%
263. Tywin Lannister Game of Thrones 62%
264. Olenna Tyrell Game of Thrones 62%
265. Hermione Granger Harry Potter 62%
266. Rita Skeeter Harry Potter 62%
267. Jin-Soo Kwon LOST 62%
268. John Bates Downton Abbey 62%
269. Beryl Patmore Downton Abbey 62%
270. Marty Hart True Detective 62%
271. Miranda Hobbes Sex and the City 62%
272. Robert Ford Westworld 62%
273. Officer Slater Superbad 62%
274. Mia Wallace Pulp Fiction 62%
275. Marty Byrde Ozark 62%
276. Jonah Byrde Ozark 62%
277. Theon Greyjoy Game of Thrones 61%
278. Shae Game of Thrones 61%
279. Ginny Weasley Harry Potter 61%
280. Edna Krabappel The Simpsons 61%
281. Bunk Moreland The Wire 61%
282. Elsie Hughes Westworld 61%
283. Stan Rizzo Mad Men 61%
284. Dale Cooper Twin Peaks 61%
285. Catherine Martell Twin Peaks 61%
286. Ms. Sharon Norbury Mean Girls 61%
287. George Costanza Seinfeld 61%
288. Jack Pearson This Is Us 61%
289. Draco Malfoy Harry Potter 60%
290. Miles O'Brien Star Trek Deep Space Nine 60%
291. Dr. Strange Marvel Cinematic Universe 60%
292. Legolas Lord of the Rings 60%
293. Sheldon Cooper The Big Bang Theory 60%
294. Bernadette Rostenkowski The Big Bang Theory 60%
295. Abed Nadir Community 60%
296. Logan Delos Westworld 60%
297. Lee 'Apollo' Adama Battlestar Galactica 60%
298. Dr. Ellie Sattler Jurassic Park 60%
299. Dennis Nedry Jurassic Park 60%
300. Gavin Belson Silicon Valley 60%
301. Samantha Carter Stargate SG-1 60%
302. Oscar Bluth Arrested Development 60%
303. Jorah Mormont Game of Thrones 59%
304. Ryan Howard The Office 59%
305. Jack Shephard LOST 59%
306. Charlie Pace LOST 59%
307. Lady Sybil Crawley Downton Abbey 59%
308. Sal Maroni The Dark Knight 59%
309. Mycroft Holmes Sherlock 59%
310. Donna Hayward Twin Peaks 59%
311. Tom Buchanan The Great Gatsby 59%
312. Eric Taylor Friday Night Lights 59%
313. Ron Weasley Harry Potter 58%
314. Phoebe Buffay Friends 58%
315. Jim Halpert The Office 58%
316. Leo McGarry The West Wing 58%
317. Joey Lucas The West Wing 58%
318. Mr. Darcy Pride and Prejudice 58%
319. Bruce Banner Marvel Cinematic Universe 58%
320. Black Panther Marvel Cinematic Universe 58%
321. Mr. Burns The Simpsons 58%
322. Lady Mary Crawley Downton Abbey 58%
323. Leslie Knope Parks and Recreation 58%
324. Hoban Washburne Firefly + Serenity 58%
325. Reginald 'Bubbles' Cousins The Wire 58%
326. James Gordon The Dark Knight 58%
327. Benjamin Horne Twin Peaks 58%
328. Jay Gatsby The Great Gatsby 58%
329. Ariadne Inception 58%
330. Lisa The Room 58%
331. Evelyn Harper Two and Half Men 58%
332. Kevin Pearson This Is Us 58%
333. Maxwell Klinger M*A*S*H 58%
334. Davos Seaworth Game of Thrones 57%
335. Varys Game of Thrones 57%
336. Minerva McGonagall Harry Potter 57%
337. Captain America Marvel Cinematic Universe 57%
338. Peggy Carter Marvel Cinematic Universe 57%
339. Daisy Mason Downton Abbey 57%
340. Kaylee Frye Firefly + Serenity 57%
341. Coriolanus Snow The Hunger Games 57%
342. Cedric Daniels The Wire 57%
343. Tommy Carcetti The Wire 57%
344. Rachel Menken Mad Men 57%
345. Joshamee Gibbs Pirates of the Caribbean 57%
346. Richard Hendricks Silicon Valley 57%
347. James Hurley Twin Peaks 57%
348. Walter Skinner The X-Files 57%
349. Regina George Mean Girls 57%
350. Mr. Saito Inception 57%
351. Ash Alien 57%
352. Abbey Bartlet The West Wing 56%
353. Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess Downton Abbey 56%
354. Amy Farrah Fowler The Big Bang Theory 56%
355. Pierce Hawthorne Community 56%
356. Thomas Matthews Dexter 56%
357. Lester Freamon The Wire 56%
358. Jordan Baker The Great Gatsby 56%
359. George S. Hammond Stargate SG-1 56%
360. Sheriff of Nottingham Robin Hood 56%
361. Lambert Alien 56%
362. Raymond Holt Brooklyn Nine-Nine 56%
363. Jerry Seinfeld Seinfeld 56%
364. Toby Damon This Is Us 56%
365. Lucille Bluth Arrested Development 56%
366. Rubeus Hagrid Harry Potter 55%
367. Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter 55%
368. Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter 55%
369. Chandler Bing Friends 55%
370. Homer Simpson The Simpsons 55%
371. Troy Barnes Community 55%
372. Glenn Rhee The Walking Dead 55%
373. Maurice Levy The Wire 55%
374. Clay Davis The Wire 55%
375. Roger Sterling Mad Men 55%
376. Sheriff Truman Twin Peaks 55%
377. Romeo Montague Romeo and Juliet 55%
378. Woody Toy Story 55%
379. Morty Seinfeld Seinfeld 55%
380. Judith Harper-Melnick Two and Half Men 55%
381. William H. 'Shakespeare' Hill This Is Us 55%
382. Mrs. Bennet Pride and Prejudice 54%
383. Lady Catherine de Bourgh Pride and Prejudice 54%
384. Hakoda Avatar The Last Airbender 54%
385. Juliet Burke LOST 54%
386. Lisa Simpson The Simpsons 54%
387. Ian Duncan Community 54%
388. Maria LaGuerta Dexter 54%
389. Theresa Cullen Westworld 54%
390. Simba The Lion King 54%
391. Gaius Baltar Battlestar Galactica 54%
392. Anastasia Dualla Battlestar Galactica 54%
393. Cally Henderson Battlestar Galactica 54%
394. Xander Harris Buffy the Vampire Slayer 54%
395. Peter Gregory Silicon Valley 54%
396. Ed Hurley Twin Peaks 54%
397. Damian Leigh Mean Girls 54%
398. Alice Cullen Twilight 54%
399. Charlotte Byrde Ozark 54%
400. Rachel Garrison Ozark 54%
401. Robb Stark Game of Thrones 53%
402. Monica Geller Friends 53%
403. Kelly Kapoor The Office 53%
404. Kasidy Yates Star Trek Deep Space Nine 53%
405. Penny The Big Bang Theory 53%
406. Vince Masuka Dexter 53%
407. Rhonda Pearlman The Wire 53%
408. Norman Wilson The Wire 53%
409. Lucius Fox The Dark Knight 53%
410. Victor Laszlo Casablanca 53%
411. Melinda Warner Law & Order SVU 53%
412. Dana Scully The X-Files 53%
413. Little John Robin Hood 53%
414. Lindsay Bluth Funke Arrested Development 53%
415. Margaery Tyrell Game of Thrones 52%
416. Arthur Weasley Harry Potter 52%
417. Joey Tribbiani Friends 52%
418. Michael Scott The Office 52%
419. Addison Montgomery Grey's Anatomy 52%
420. Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars 52%
421. Skyler White Breaking Bad 52%
422. Donald Cragen Law & Order SVU 52%
423. Cady Heron Mean Girls 52%
424. Randall Pearson This Is Us 52%
425. Brandon Stark Game of Thrones 51%
426. Angela Martin The Office 51%
427. Lydia Bennet Pride and Prejudice 51%
428. Ty Lee Avatar The Last Airbender 51%
429. Preston Burke Grey's Anatomy 51%
430. Barney Gumble The Simpsons 51%
431. Howard Wolowitz The Big Bang Theory 51%
432. Angel Batista Dexter 51%
433. D'Angelo Barksdale The Wire 51%
434. Laura Roslin Battlestar Galactica 51%
435. Eleanor Sung-Young Crazy Rich Asians 51%
436. Arthur Inception 51%
437. Landry Clarke Friday Night Lights 51%
438. Terry Jeffords Brooklyn Nine-Nine 51%
439. Charlie Swan Twilight 51%
440. Jake Harper Two and Half Men 51%
441. Eddard Stark Game of Thrones 50%
442. Josiah Bartlet The West Wing 50%
443. Sam Seaborn The West Wing 50%
444. Aang Avatar The Last Airbender 50%
445. Jackie Burkhart That 70's Show 50%
446. Izzie Stevens Grey's Anatomy 50%
447. Derek Shepherd Grey's Anatomy 50%
448. Stuart Bloom The Big Bang Theory 50%
449. Pete Campbell Mad Men 50%
450. Rachel Chu Crazy Rich Asians 50%
451. Dr. John Watson Sherlock 50%
452. Daniel Jackson Stargate SG-1 50%
453. Lorna Morello Orange is the New Black 50%
454. Bella Swan Twilight 50%
455. Sansa Stark Game of Thrones 49%
456. Luna Lovegood Harry Potter 49%
457. Bob Pinciotti That 70's Show 49%
458. Mary Cooper The Big Bang Theory 49%
459. Ervin Burrell The Wire 49%
460. Bernard Lowe Westworld 49%
461. Nala The Lion King 49%
462. Pumbaa The Lion King 49%
463. Willow Rosenberg Buffy the Vampire Slayer 49%
464. Cordelia Chase Buffy the Vampire Slayer 49%
465. Rupert Giles Buffy the Vampire Slayer 49%
466. Fogell McLovin
467. Prince John Robin Hood 49%
468. Amy March Little Women 49%
469. Jason Street Friday Night Lights 49%
470. Beth Pearson This Is Us 49%
471. Michael Bluth Arrested Development 49%
472. Charlie Young The West Wing 48%
473. Claire Littleton LOST 48%
474. Merry Brandybuck Lord of the Rings 48%
475. Pippin Took Lord of the Rings 48%
476. Inara Serra Firefly + Serenity 48%
477. Carrie Bradshaw Sex and the City 48%
478. Mr. Big Sex and the City 48%
479. Beatrice 'Beadie' Russell The Wire 48%
480. Rachel Dawes The Dark Knight 48%
481. D.I. Greg Lestrade Sherlock 48%
482. Pete Martell Twin Peaks 48%
483. Josie Packard Twin Peaks 48%
484. Betsy Heron Mean Girls 48%
485. Amy Santiago Brooklyn Nine-Nine 48%
486. Catelyn Stark Game of Thrones 47%
487. Julian Bashir Star Trek Deep Space Nine 47%
488. Michael Kelso That 70's Show 47%
489. Tom Haverford Parks and Recreation 47%
490. Lucy Moran Twin Peaks 47%
491. Kate Pearson This Is Us 47%
492. Filius Flitwick Harry Potter 46%
493. Katara Avatar The Last Airbender 46%
494. Rom Star Trek Deep Space Nine 46%
495. Charlie Carson Downton Abbey 46%
496. Craig Pelton Community 46%
497. Dinesh Chugtai Silicon Valley 46%
498. Monica Hall Silicon Valley 46%
499. Sam Healy Orange is the New Black 46%
500. Matt Saracen Friday Night Lights 46%
501. Mark The Room 46%
502. Frank Burns M*A*S*H 46%
503. Winn Adami Star Trek Deep Space Nine 45%
504. Fez That 70's Show 45%
505. The Narrator Fight Club 45%
506. Clarence Royce The Wire 45%
507. Mufasa The Lion King 45%
508. Felix Gaeta Battlestar Galactica 45%
509. Janet Fraiser Stargate SG-1 45%
510. Rex Toy Story 45%
511. Denny The Room 45%
512. Ross Geller Friends 44%
513. Stanley Hudson The Office 44%
514. Frodo Baggins Lord of the Rings 44%
515. Lady Edith Crawley Downton Abbey 44%
516. Elsie Carson Downton Abbey 44%
517. Teddy Flood Westworld 44%
518. Lee Sizemore Westworld 44%
519. Clementine Pennyfeather Westworld 44%
520. Anthony Garcia The Dark Knight 44%
521. Lau The Dark Knight 44%
522. Salvatore Romano Mad Men 44%
523. Shelly Johnson Twin Peaks 44%
524. The Oracle The Matrix 44%
525. Theodore Laurence Little Women 44%
526. Helen Seinfeld Seinfeld 44%
527. Petunia Dursley Harry Potter 43%
528. Kevin Malone The Office 43%
529. Marie Schrader Breaking Bad 43%
530. Simon Tam Firefly + Serenity 43%
531. Dale Horvath The Walking Dead 43%
532. James Norrington Pirates of the Caribbean 43%
533. Andy Bernard The Office 42%
534. Jake Sisko Star Trek Deep Space Nine 42%
535. Richard Webber Grey's Anatomy 42%
536. Samwise Gamgee Lord of the Rings 42%
537. Leonard Hofstadter The Big Bang Theory 42%
538. Maggie Hart True Detective 42%
539. Peeta Mellark The Hunger Games 42%
540. Steve Brady Sex and the City 42%
541. Roland 'Prez' Pryzbylewski The Wire 42%
542. John Hammond Jurassic Park 42%
543. Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes LOST 41%
544. Shannon Rutherford LOST 41%
545. Alfred Pennyworth The Dark Knight 41%
546. Paul Kinsey Mad Men 41%
547. Bert Cooper Mad Men 41%
548. The Nurse Romeo and Juliet 41%
549. Benvolio Romeo and Juliet 41%
550. Jules Superbad 41%
551. Piper Chapman Orange is the New Black 41%
552. Carlisle Cullen Twilight 41%
553. Timothy McGee NCIS 41%
554. Rachel Green Friends 40%
555. George O'Malley Grey's Anatomy 40%
556. Principal Skinner The Simpsons 40%
557. Anna Bates Downton Abbey 40%
558. Jared Dunn Silicon Valley 40%
559. Julia Cowboy Bebop 40%
560. Donald Mallard NCIS 40%
561. Samwell Tarly Game of Thrones 39%
562. Effie Trinket The Hunger Games 39%
563. Henry Francis Mad Men 39%
564. Astrid Leong-Teo Crazy Rich Asians 39%
565. Molly Hooper Sherlock 39%
566. June George Mean Girls 39%
567. Evan Superbad 39%
568. Marmee March Little Women 39%
569. Tobias Funke Arrested Development 39%
570. Walter 'Radar' O'Reilly M*A*S*H 39%
571. Kelly Erin Hannon The Office 38%
572. Donna Moss The West Wing 38%
573. Iroh Avatar The Last Airbender 38%
574. Eric Forman That 70's Show 38%
575. Apu Nahasapeemapetilon The Simpsons 38%
576. C-3PO Star Wars 38%
577. Flynn White Breaking Bad 38%
578. Derrial Book Firefly + Serenity 38%
579. Robert Fischer Inception 38%
580. Jimmy Palmer NCIS 38%
581. Buster Bluth Arrested Development 38%
582. Sun-Hwa Kwon LOST 37%
583. Annie Edison Community 37%
584. Felix Lutz Westworld 37%
585. Betty Draper Mad Men 37%
586. Lane Pryce Mad Men 37%
587. Colin Khoo Crazy Rich Asians 37%
588. Friar Laurence Romeo and Juliet 37%
589. Mr. William Collins Pride and Prejudice 36%
590. Midge Pinciotti That 70's Show 36%
591. Mark Brendanawicz Parks and Recreation 36%
592. Mrs. Hudson Sherlock 36%
593. Tami Taylor Friday Night Lights 36%
594. Peter The Room 36%
595. Rebecca Pearson This Is Us 36%
596. Sophie This Is Us 36%
597. George Michael Bluth Arrested Development 36%
598. Fleur Delacour Harry Potter 35%
599. Cornelius Fudge Harry Potter 35%
600. Waylon Smithers The Simpsons 35%
601. Robert Crawley, 7th Earl of Grantham Downton Abbey 35%
602. William Mason Downton Abbey 35%
603. Ilsa Lund Casablanca 35%
604. Norma Jennings Twin Peaks 35%
605. Juliet Capulet Romeo and Juliet 35%
606. Kitty Forman That 70's Show 34%
607. Milhouse Van Houten The Simpsons 34%
608. Julie Taylor Friday Night Lights 34%
609. James Taggart Atlas Shrugged 34%
610. Charles Boyle Brooklyn Nine-Nine 34%
611. Alan Harper Two and Half Men 34%
612. Marge Simpson The Simpsons 33%
613. Michelle The Room 33%
614. Horace Slughorn Harry Potter 32%
615. Raj Koothrappali The Big Bang Theory 32%
616. Bo Peep Toy Story 32%
617. Pam Beesly The Office 31%
618. Shirley Bennett Community 31%
619. Lori Grimes The Walking Dead 31%
620. Nick Carraway The Great Gatsby 31%
621. Gretchen Wieners Mean Girls 31%
622. Ann Perkins Parks and Recreation 30%
623. Nick Young Crazy Rich Asians 30%
624. Nelson Bighetti Silicon Valley 30%
625. Friar Tuck Robin Hood 30%
626. Daisy Buchanan The Great Gatsby 29%
627. Miguel Rivas This Is Us 29%
628. Billy Keikeya Battlestar Galactica 28%
629. Harry Crane Mad Men 28%
630. Karen Smith Mean Girls 28%
631. Beth March Little Women 28%
632. Esme Cullen Twilight 28%
633. Francis Mulcahy M*A*S*H 28%
634. Cho Chang Harry Potter 27%
635. Aaron Samuels Mean Girls 27%
636. Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham Downton Abbey 26%
637. Maid Marian Robin Hood 26%
638. Lyla Garrity Friday Night Lights 26%
639. Ken Cosgrove Mad Men 25%
640. Ned Flanders The Simpsons 24%
641. Rita Bennett Dexter 24%
642. Georgiana Darcy Pride and Prejudice 23%
643. Becca Superbad 23%
644. Meg March Little Women 22%
645. Charlotte York Sex and the City 21%
646. Phyllis Lapin The Office 20%
647. Jane Bennet Pride and Prejudice 20%
648. Charles Bingley Pride and Prejudice 17%